Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Prince

Matthew my sweet, sweet baby has turned into quite a little prince during our two week hotel adventure. We have a one bedroom suite at a Residence Inn Marriott. I highly recommend this hotel by the way. They provide a hot breakfast every day which they change up four of the hot items daily. They also provide a dinner, Monday through Thursday, all complimentary.

Prior to leaving I had been trying to get Matthew on at least on nap per day. He doesn't nap on a consistent basis. If he does take a nap, he cries for twenty minutes and sleeps for thirty minutes. At the hotel, we are living in such close quarters, I don't want to disrupt Sophia's nap, so he will nurse and nap on my lap for about the length of her nap - 2 to 3 hours. He is so spoiled!!

He is also getting up in the middle of the night too. The other night he woke up around 2 am and after I fed him, he would not go back to sleep quietly. I did not want him to wake up Sophia, so he slept in our bed. Rob and I did not get a lot of sleep that night. I was afraid I was going to squish him.

The prince also has a had ton of veggies fries when we travel or before dinner. I think when we get home is going to go through veggie fry withdrawals.

His sweet demeanor has not changed though. He still loves giving us tons of wet gummy kisses!