Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Winter fashion trends (according to Sophia)

The weather is changing and it is time to get out the winter clothes.  Since Sophia has a deep (entrenched) sense of style, I thought I would share the upcoming winter fashion trends with you, according to her.

The hot colors and let’s face it the only colors to wear are pink and purple.  You can also mix this up with the only acceptable pattern out there: bright colored stripes.  Every other color is not in fashion this season or any season.  I think these colors are going to hot for quite a while.  You should just throw out everything that does not contain pink or purple. 

As far as pants are concerned:  Jeans and “tight” pants are completely out for the season.  Cozy pants and soft corduroy pants are in (only in the above mentioned colors, of course).  Pants should fit below the belly button and should be long enough to reach the edge of the shoe when standing.  If the pants are any shorter than this within a millimeter of the edge, these pants are unacceptable and should be given away immediately.

Shirts appropriate for the cooler weather are harder to find than you think.  Be careful when you shop.  After trying on several styles of t-shirts on her first clothing shopping trip, Sophia recommends the following tests when looking for a winter t-shirt.

ü  The shirt should not be tight anywhere.  Sophia recommends buying a larger size to prevent this problem. 

ü  The sleeve length should not be any shorter that wrist bone, even when you raise your arms. (Three-quarter sleeves are not an option!!)

ü  When you fully raise your arms, the shirt must be long enough to not go higher than the belly button.  Warning: many shirts do not pass this test!!

ü  Also, layered t-shirts are out.

Winter Dresses.  Although there are many stylish options for this type winter wear, they are out for the season.  Let’s face it; you must wear tights in order to stay warm enough. Sophia cannot recommend any tights because they do not perfectly fit around the toes.  Until Sophia finds a pair tights that are “form-fitting” around the toes, dresses are out for the winter.

Pajamas:  Do not put your summer jammies away just yet.  You can simply wear a cozy (pink or purple) sweatshirt over your summer jammies to maintain the proper warmth when sleeping.

Highlights from the previous seasons:

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