Friday, December 25, 2009

What did Santa bring?

A conversation I had with Sophia, a few days before the train ride.
"Sophia, what do you want Santa to bring you"
A few minutes past and she says "food".
Me - "What kind of food?"
Her - "Papa cakes"

Papacakes are pancakes that my step dad makes. If Sophia could eat pancakes every day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner she would.

A couple weeks after that I mentioned that Santa might bring her an art kit, like the one cousin Autumn got for her birthday. She told me, "No, Santa is bringing papacakes!".
So Christmas morning, Santa put papa cakes under the tree for Sophia. Sophia was nice enough to share with us and this was our first breakfast of the day.

What did Santa bring Matthew? uuh, I guess Matthew was not on the good list. Better luck next year, my dear sweet Matthew.

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